I'm sitting in my bed right now, realizing that in 2 days, I will walk across a stage with a new degree in my hand. I feel a little nervous, and a lot excited, but mostly really thankful that God opened these doors to walk through.
Two and a half years ago, Kevin and I were living in Nepal. Our work there was with an aftercare home that housed young girls who had been rescued out of sex-trafficking and forced prostitution. Every day my heart heart well up with such intense emotion….Love for these precious ones, outrage at the evils they had endured under the hands of others, compassion for their journey, and hope for their future. I became good friends with their counselors who came weekly to work with them, and was truly inspired by the good work and healing being done within the context of therapy.
And then God started whispering to me. Tenderly, kindly, but nonetheless strongly. He was asking me to go back to school and get my masters in counseling. It took me by surprise, but at the same time it didn't. You see, I had been trying for years to go back to school and get a masters. I love school. I've always loved school. I literally had started 2 masters programs prior to this, and for some reason or another it didn't work out. God closed those doors. And so here I was, thousands of miles away from home, and God was revealing to me a calling that was heaven sent.
It felt sacred, holy. It felt right.
I started looking online. I reached out to dozens of masters programs in counseling. And then God just led me to where I was supposed to be. And you guys... God literally opened EVERY door for me. I cannot begin to describe the Lord's incredible faithfulness to me in this process, affirming my step at every turn. I was handpicked to be a graduate assistant (which allowed a tuition break for me), met the most incredible faculty/staff and friends who supported my journey, and got to take some amazing classes that are literally offered at very few schools.
And now, here I am.
A little shocked that it's over, and i've turned in my last assignment.
A little nervous about what my future holds, and what job i'll get next.
But ever grateful and so so excited for what the future holds.
I so believe that if God has called me to it, He will bring me through it. He is kind and so very loving. And good. Very very good.
What an honor it is for me to be a therapist, and work in the business of brokenness and healing. It has been a most beautiful journey.
I'm ready to don that cap and gown and get this show on the road:) Bring it on!! Thanks for supporting me in this journey friends, you truly are the best!! xoxo