Exactly 2 years ago, at one of my darkest moments in life, I wish somebody would have told me,
It truly was the perfect storm, the winds of anxiety and sleeplessness and pain (both emotional and physical) so strong I thought I'd never breech the torrent coming at me. Doomed to live in the eye of the whirling winds forever.
I was 30 weeks pregnant and a whole slew of issues, anxieties and commitments were weighing so heavily on me that it led to 3 full weeks of insomnia, where I could not sleep.
You guys, it terrified me.
I felt so out of touch with my body. The acute stress I felt was beyond my control.
And I remember thinking,
"will I be here forever?"
"Will I ever break free?"
"Will I always suffer silently and put on a happy face the rest of my days?"
And the scary part was that I almost believed I was destined to live in that type of anxiety because I could not humanly conceive how to make it all better.
Two years later, my situation runs a TOTAL 180.
I am also 30 weeks pregnant, BUT
I feel a total peace
I have no pain
I feel light and free and full of possibilities.
Isn't it crazy how in the midst of suffering, it feels like life will NEVER come around?
Like we are drowning and we will never come up for air?
Friends, THAT IS A LIE!
God will not leave us where we are.
He says in his word in Phillippians 1:6 "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."
He has good work for us to do, and He will not quit working on us. That means He will take us through seasons, some hard, some good, but all in keeping with HIS purpose of making us more like Christ.
I don't even pretend to know the depth of how that experience sanctified me, but what I can tell you is that it taught me to trust that HE IS FAITHFUL, HE NEVER LEAVES ME, and...
If you are waiting to get to the other side, HOLD ON FRIEND!
You are never stuck when He, and HE ALONE, holds you in the palm of His hands!
Praying for you today:)