Wow, 3 months with our girl has come and gone...next week she'll be 4 months!
This last month has been delightfully fun. She's started laughing and giggling, and come one...there is absolutely nothing cuter than baby giggles...amiright? Her chuckle just kills me, I want to listen to it on repeat forever.
She's also started holding her head up, which makes me feel like she's all grown up (insert emoji with tears...time is flying by too fast!). She started lifting her feet in the air and grabbing them with her little hands...so dang cute! When she smiles, she practically opens her mouth as wide as it can go, and her face lights up. I want to etch her little smile into the recesses of my brain because it makes me so happy inside.
Don't get me wrong, she's still a baby who cries and has blow-outs, and spits up on me (often). But somehow those things fade into the background when she gives me a huge toothy grin or a little giggle. The other day I had a million things on my to-do list (and would have been happy if I just got 1 of them checked off, haha) and set her down for a minute in her crib while I reset the internet. She had never been in her crib up until this point, as she sleeps in our room. But let me tell you, she thought the crib was awesome. She was smiling up a storm, so I grabbed my camera and snapped a few pics. Usually when I bust the camera out, she refuses to smile or look at it, but in this moment she was laughing away. Priceless.
I've been trying to be fully present with her, especially when she is nursing. It's easy to grab my phone and check emails/etc. but lately i've been challenging myself to soak up every ounce of her sweetness and savor it like a sweet aroma. I wanted to notice all the little things...the coloring in her face or even the way she breathes.
The other day while I was watching her as she slept in my arms, a little poem started forming in my head. Let me preface this by saying i'm not a person that's ever been super into poetry, but I do love a good rhyme so this was fun to let flow. The words just kind of came to me, and I wrote them down. Yep, it's cheesy, but it's truly how I felt about my girl so I thought I would share it with you:) I read it to Kevin later that evening, thinking he would laugh, but instead we both got a little teary eyed. Having a baby is truly one of the most precious gifts I've ever received, and I want to soak every stage in with wonder and awe.
Here is what I noticed and felt as I rocked my baby girl while she slept:
I love to hold you in my arms,
my sweet little baby girl.
Your eye lids the color violet,
on your head a precious curl.
Im so grateful to be your mommy,
you are so perfect to me.
I look at you and smile,
thinking how fun our future together will be.
Your little breathes, they rise and fall,
your darling fingers curled in a ball.
Your smile comes and then is gone,
I savor this time, this season is not long.
I love your snuggles, they are the best,
as I hold you tightly against my chest.
I'll cherish this time, just you and me,
grateful to God for my little Avonlea
Not the most eloquent of poems, but I'll cherish the memory of her tiny body in my arms, peacefully sleeping and be glad I documented it in a small literary way:) xoxo