when it comes to the Sound of Music
i'm about as crazy as they come.
i. love. this. movie.
{come on, admit it, deep down inside, you too wanted to be Liesl, running around singing "i am 16 going on 17" in a gazebo with a cute boy in the pouring rain!}
i used to watch it with my grandma when I was small,
back when it was a 2 part VHS.
as I grew, my dad and I watched it almost every year together.
my mom introduced me to a bunch of books at the library about the real Von Trapp family
and I even read a book written by the actress who played Leisl
{nerd alert, i know}
there is something about the story that grabs my heart.
maybe it's the ridiculously beautiful scenery,
the time period {i've always been really interested in WWII history},
or the AMAZING songs {ahhhh Edleveiss, I love you}
but i think more than any of that,
it's a story of God's beautiful leading when people trust him,
courage to do what's right,
and the ability to weave JOY in all that we do.
and maybe the Alps have something to do with it too.
regardless, below are all my confessions of being a total sound-of-music crazy person.
please don't judge people.
Salzburg, Austria
my sophmore year of college, I lived in Italy studying abroad. It was one of the best things i've ever done. that summer, when my program ended, my best friend from high school Noelle and two of our guy friends flew over and we traveled through 6 countries together. in austria, my deepest desire was to go on the Sound of Music tour in Salzburg.
the boys said no way.
noelle and i went without them, and it was without a doubt my favorite part of our ENTIRE trip.
haha. i know.
you're laughing.
imagine, noelle and i with a bunch of middle aged women
busting out "do-a-deer" on the tour bus with no shame.
in salzburg, i made noelle dance around with me, as we frollicked through the tree lined lane, and ran up and down the steps pretending to be one of the Von Trapp kids.
{noelle was SUCH a sport!}
{and i was probably SUCH a sight to see relishing every second of the tour!}
Von Trapp Lodge, Stowe, Vermont
my second year out of college, i traveled around the country with Invisible Children, sharing the story of the conflict in Uganda.
when I heard my team would be going to Vermont,
i could think of nothing else but sharing this story at the Trapp Family Lodge.
you see, the real Von Trapp family, when coming to America
began to tour around the country, singing to make a living.
ultimately settling in Stowe, Vermont.
they now run a gorgeous lodge.
and we got the INCREDIBLE privilege of doing a presentation there,
cross country skiing on their property (through Maria's glen),
and even meeting a REAL Von Trapp!
i was a little bit in heaven:)
and soooo....this weekend the saga continued.
it was quite epic...however you'll just have to wait until my next post to read the story and see the pictures:)
ahhhh, i can't wait to show you!
happy Monday dearest friends!
love Katie