It's been filled.... Kevin and I were just chatting and we realized that it may have been...too filled. We both vowed that next year we would say no to some events (even though it's all good things!), and yes to more time just being together and soaking in the reason for the season.
Introducing Avonlea to Christmas has been very special. She loves the twinkly lights and the Christmas music, she sings along in her little language:) At the beginning of December we drove up to the mountains to cut down our tree. No snow this year though, but it will still a blast! (Last year we go caught in a blizzard and it was absolutely magical!)
I love these pics of Avonlea helping decorate the tree. You can just see the wonder in her eyes. I was reflecting about how I crave that wonder again...the awe of a good King coming down to Earth, giving up his home in the heavenlies and choosing to dwell in a sinful world so that he could ultimately save us from it. Amazing. Truly.
While the bustle of the days are ever constant, when I slip into bed at night, in the stillness of our home, I say Thank you to our amazing father who gave up his son to be a radiant light in the world. A light that brings hope to my weary heart. This year, the chalkboard above our fireplace reads "a thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices". I love this line from my favorite Christmas carol O Holy Night, because it reminds me that Christ, and only Christ is our hope...so glorious.
Wishing you the most hopeful Christmas yet:) Love Katie