I've been having so much fun putting my room together {if you missed the full spread of room pics, click
here}. It's essentially a very large bedroom that i've made feel more like a studio, with one half of our room consisting of a large bed and dresser, and the other half resembling a cosy little living room.
I just love it:) Most days you'll find me snuggled upstairs in this room with a cup of tea, the record player buzzing tunes, with either a friend or my school books!
What made decorating SO fun was that I tried to find every piece from either a yard sale or craigslist. Honestly, it was a modern day treasure hunt, and every Saturday morning i'd slide into my car ready for an adventure. Along the way I encountered some really lovely people, and some fun stories. So..I thought it would be fun to document all the stories of my decor...
The French Prints & Wooden Candlesticks:
If you follow me on IG, you probably already read this story, but it's too wonderful not to mention here on my blog. To preface, i'm a HUGE history nerd, especially when it comes to European history. And on this particular Saturday, I got to witness a slice of history come to life. I was finishing up my day yard saling, when I noticed an apartment complex having a community wide yard sale. I drove in, and spotted this adorable old woman standing by herself with a few odds and ends. Intrigued, I stopped and started chatting with her. It was apparent she had an accent, so I asked where she was from. "France" she said, which of course ignited a little chat about how much I have loved traveling through her country on multiple occasions.
I asked her how her family fared during WWII, and she was all stories by this point {which I was enraptured by!}. She shared how her father smuggled Jewish children across the border into Switzerland, and her husband had been kidnapped by the Nazi's and taken to Berlin to work at a labor camp. She even volunteered with the Red Cross. I couldn't believe how amazing it was that all these stories I had just read about in books were here actual experience. I felt so honored to be in her presence! I've since visited her at her home to hear more stories!
One hilarious turn of the story is that she told me she goes walking 3 mornings a week, and ends her walk by eating at a local bagel shop across the street. This happens to be the same bagel shop that my husband's family owns, and I asked if she knew my husband Kevin (and then showed her a picture of him). She started giggling hysterically when she saw the picture and said "I tell my friend every week that he's the reason I come here! He's so handsome!" hahahah! I was dying laughing! What a small world! I bought the wooden candle sticks from her, along with these old photographs of France, as well as a handmade French table cloth (that is not pictured).
The Tree Stumps:

I like to pin DIY projects on Pinterest, but i'm not the greatest at follow-through!! I just never seem to find the time! But i've been pining {pun intended} after these gorgeous tree stump coffee tables, and knew I had to make them. I found some free wood on Craigslist, and Kevin and I went to town. I love how they turned out!
Advent Calendar:
{I guess I don't have just a picture of the advent calendar, but it's the red hanging thing in the background, haha} Two years ago my sister and I went to go visit our family in Germany. {see
here and
here} It was November, and they were just ushering in the Christmas season, which was so magical. While strolling in downtown Dusseldorf, we ducked into the sweetest Christmas shop to escape the brisk chill that was slowly settling in our bones. I was in heaven! I purchased this festive advent calendar, and have loved hanging it every year since! This year, Kevin and I finally filled it with verses of the Christmas story, candy, and sweet little date cards {Kevin and I both did this, so one of us is surprised each night!}
Christmas Tree:

I am a real Christmas Tree kind of girl...I love the smell of fresh evergreen that fills the room with delightful lingerings of the holidays. However, I also just love Christmas trees in general, and wanted to have one in my room as well. One day at a yard sale, there was a brand new fake tree in a box, and I asked how much it was. They told me to name my price, so I sad "$1", and they said YES! I couldn't believe it! So my Christmas tree was $1. I will never get over that! Love it!
Record Player:
Growing up, my dad used to play his old albums on the record player in our house. On Sunday mornings, he would blast Beethoven's 5th symphony to wake us up. On the rare occasions mom was out for the evening, my dad would gather us around his record player and we'd jam to various Beatles songs. "Rocky Raccoon" was one of our favorites. So I set out to find a record player on Craigslist. After a few months of searching, I found the perfect one. With the help of some friends who did me a huge favor, I now am in possession of a sweet player that brings joyful tunes into my home on a daily basis! And yard sales are the greatest place to pick up cheap old records!! Last week I was so excited to score the "Sound of Music" {i know, i'm a nerd, but it's my favorite movie!}
If you're curious where anything else is from…feel free to ask! Like I said, I picked up most things from yard sales or craigslist, but I definitely have a radar on brands, so i'll probably know where it's from!
Happy Weekend friends! One of my college roommates is here visiting, and we are having a blast! Kev and I head up to Northern California on Monday, and are pumped!! Christmas is so soon! Thank you all for entering the give-aways last week! All the winners have been picked, but I am so grateful you all entered!! xoxo