It's true…after living in Southern California for the last 7 years, we are moving! And I couldn't be more excited:) For a few years now we've been dreaming about going back to Northern California (where I grew up)! The timing never felt quite right, and we were not sure what we'd do up there job wise. At times it was discouraging and we wondered if anything would ever open for us!
But last December, the perfect job came in the most unexpected place…my family's business!
That's right…all my life i've been a farmer's daughter…and now i'm going to be a farmer's wife:) haha! Kevin will be partnering with my Dad and our family on the rice farm. As a fun fact, my family's business has been going for over 100 years now which I think is just so neat:) 2 years ago Kevin and I worked a harvest on the farm, which you can see here and here! I truly think there's something special about tilling the soil and growing something from the ground up. I can't wait to be back up there!
So yeah, i'll be graduating with my masters in December…we'll be taking a few fun trips in December and January, and then in mid-January we will be making the trek north!
Please pray for us in this season! It's been a stressful one, and quite honestly there are still a few unknown variables! It's hard not to be in control or know where our house or my job will be, but i'm learning to trust God and feel confident He has something special for us:) Thank you so much for your support!
I will keep ya'll posted as we move forward, but for now…so so grateful for God's timing and provision! Thanks for your prayers:)