One of the traditions I hold quite dear from my childhood is cutting down our Christmas tree in the mountains. Every year, a few days after Thanksgiving, our family would load up and drive with another family to cut down our tree. My mom would pack snacks and a huge steaming thermos of hot chocolate, for which we'd be so grateful for after a day hunting down our tree and dad cutting it down.
So this year, being back up in Northern California, I was so thrilled when my childhood friend asked if we'd want to go up to the mountains with them to cut our tree. Kevin had never gone before, so it was super exciting showing him my old stomping grounds!
The amazing part of the trip was that it was literally snowing the entire drive up there, so much so that cars were sliding around on the roads, and we had a few close calls during the day (I was just thankful I was not driving, haha!). But, it was absolutely gorgeous!! The snow was so crisp and clean and as Kevin and I hunted for our tree, the snow was falling and it was absolutely still.
Kevin was a total champ and chopped our tree down. Our tree looked so good out there in the snow, and then when we chopped it, we realized it only had 3 sides…one side was flat. haha! #treefail! But then we realized it would be the perfect side to put up against our wall…and it really is!
We got home, put our tree up, and began to decorate (which will come in another post!). Hooray for family traditions that continue until this day!!
Happy Friday friends! Kev and I are flying down to SoCal to host a party for his parents…should be fun:) Hope your weekend is great! xoxo

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