Exciting News…Baby #3

Wednesday, September 16

We are excited to announce that Baby #3 is on it's way. We are due March 2021 and are rejoicing and praising God. The last 6 weeks have been pretty rough for me sickness wise, so i'm ready to be out of the first trimester this coming weekend! 

The kids have been so cute and hilarious about the news. Avonlea loves to tell everyone we see "MOMMY HAS A BABY IN HER TUMMY!!!" (yes, she speaks in all caps when she tells people, hehe!). She loves to come and rub my belly and say "I love you baby". Everett has taken to patting my belly and saying BABY! BABY! over and over again. It cracks me up. I don't really think he has much of a clue of what's coming, but he's pretty sweet with other people's babies, so I'm hoping that's a good sign. 

Each child is a miracle, and with both Avonlea and Everett I kept a prayer journal where I've enjoyed looking back and seeing the prayers I prayed over them and the dreams I had for my babies. I also love asking God for verses for my pregnancies and labors, and verses for my specific baby. 

I'm feeling like this baby is a girl, only because i've been sicker. With Avonlea I threw up constantly for a few months, but with Everett I didn't feel sick at all. This baby has made me feel really sick, but I haven't thrown up at all (which is a total plus!). We will find out the gender for sure before the baby comes, so we'll see if my prediction is correct. However, Avonlea, from the day we told her, has said it's a girl every single time we ask her. And when I was pregnant with Everett, she told me it was a boy every single time we asked her. So she just may have special powers, that will remain to be seen at the ultrasound. 

Thank you for being excited with us xoxo Here are a few pictures we took at the farmhouse this weekend to announce our pregnancy! If you didn't see the farmhouse pictures yet, click here! 

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