A loving father is a gift. I look back on my childhood and have the warmest memories with my dad. His faith and how he walked that out, with patience and grace and good humor and tenderness, stole my heart in a special way. I know God's love in a deeper way because of my dad.
So of course when I watch Kevin with Avonlea it feels my heart so deep with gratitude that our girl will walk through life with a man who will love her and guide her and teach her in the best ways possible this side of heaven. Right now as I write this, Avonlea is laying on Kevin's chest as they both lay sound asleep on the couch. It makes me smile. There is a tenderness and a sweet security about this scene.
These moments I snapped were totally candid, as Kevin previously gave her a bath and then was soothing her from that traumatic experience, haha. She hates being cold (just like her mama), so Kevin was working on warming her up after the bath. I helped with the bath, and then had to jump to grab my camera as the warm fuzzes were all over the place with this dad and daughter! I wanted to capture the moments:)
I hope you all have a beautiful week. I put a little sneak peak of Avonlea's room at the end, and hope to share pics of that either later this week or next. I'm really excited to show you, as it was a labor of love! Hope your week is off to a great start. My sweet Emmy Lou is driving into town to visit me today (and snuggle Avie), and I can't wait for her visit. Happy day friends!

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