Tonight Kevin and I took Avonlea on a bike ride. As we were riding along and laughing at how cute Avonlea looked in her ginormous helmut, we both looked at each other and couldn't believe that just one year ago we were at the hospital while I was induced, and then 24 hours later gave birth to our precious Avonlea Grace.
This year has been a beautiful testament to the miracle of life. Life, what a gift! Our little spring blossom arrived at 8:30pm on April 4th and for the past year has sown joy into all the nooks and crannies of our home and hearts. Just when I had thought that I had reached my full capacity to love, it was shattered by bringing this tiny miracle into our home. And all of a sudden that capacity to spill love ballooned, and only grew steadily, a soft but steady drumbeat of affection that increased by day. I never knew this kind of love.
Every day for the past year, as I rocked Avonlea to sleep and nursed her, I thanked God for this gift. Who am I to receive something so precious? And yet, there she was with her big blue eyes and tiny fingers, attached to me in a way I can't describe. And every night, I still stand in awe of a God who gives such good and tender gifts. Thank you Jesus for Avonlea.
She is a lover- she blows kisses, and waves to everyone (no joke, at Trader Joes one day I parked my cart near the flowers as I picked out a bouquet, and she literally waved to every.single.person. who entered the store…I couldn't stop laughing as she made people's day with her greeting!). She freely gives all her stuff bunnies and lambs kisses and hugs. She kisses daddy and I often with her open mouth kisses, ha! And she's a snuggler, boy do I love that!
She has spunk!- She cracks me up with her feisty zest! She's not really at an age where I discipline her, but if I say "no" to her when she tries to touch a power outlet, she will look at me and start laughing and say "no! no! no!" ….which of course brings me into a fit of giggles! The other day she was laughing and then all of a sudden took both her little hands and put them on my cheeks and drew me in for a kiss and then started bouncing up and down! so cute!
She is a child of God- I think about how much God loves her, how he made her and how he will use her in the future. I pray that God will use Kevin and I to love her well and show her glimpses of God's great love for her.
I love you Avonlea Grace, happy first birthday!! love mama and daddy!
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