Eternal work…in your home

Thursday, June 11

I'm an Enneagram 3...the achiever.
My biggest motivation is to offer value to the world, and my biggest fear is that i'm worthless.

From a young age I've longed to see God's justice and love flow through me to a hurting world.

It's what led me to...

Organize a 5K in college that raised thousands of dollars for a non-profit working in Africa
Teach English in Thailand (in refugee camps, English camps, Language schools, etc)
Travel all around the USA speaking at schools & companies about the conflict in Northern Uganda.
Start a t-shirt company that donated over $30K to organizations in Africa
Travel to over 40 counties, live in 4 of them
Ask God to displace me so I could meet people who had different experiences as myself
Start a travel blog that sent me all over the world for free
Help set up an aftercare home in Nepal
Go back to graduate school at 29 and get my masters in counseling
Spend 4 years seeing clients and gaining hours to become licensed as a therapist.
Host weekly dinners for my neighbors in our front yard.

I thrive when I am being "productive",
I thrive when I see God's kingdom work go forth,
I thrive when I am actively planning and organizing something that touches the world.

And these last few months with covid have felt stagnant.
No projects to go forth until further notice,
No friends to see in person and hug and cry with,
and mostly, no plans.

Yesterday, I sat in bed and cried my eyes out to Kevin that I was so useless right now.
He humored me, comforted me, and then in the tenderest of ways,

reminded me of my greatest kingdom calling in this children.

I love my children. And I love being a mom.
But for the most part, caring for children when stuck in quarantine hasn't been exciting and glamorous. It's felt routine and ordinary....predictable.

But in the midst of all that is going on, God has placed upon my heart the incredible reminder that few things in this world are eternal... children are.

CS Lewis wrote,
"Children are not a distraction from the most important work. They are the most important work"

With renewed revelation on the incredible value God places on children,
i'm going forth today armed with the knowledge that
and  kissing
and feeding
and loving,
and teaching
and reading
and shepherding
and praying with my babies
brings the love of Christ and the justice of God into my home. 

What a privilege, what a gift.
May you be encouraged that your work as a mama is eternal work.
Go forth and rejoice in the work God has set before you.

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