How to protect your kids from EMF radiation on an airplane

Wednesday, July 3

When I was pregnant with my first child 8 years ago, a good friend shared some research with me about EMF radiation (which stands for electromagnetic fields). I started doing my own deep dive on EMF's, and couldn't believe what I read. EMF radiation is a serious thing, and since all the technologies we use emit EMF's, I knew I needed a gameplan.

In case you're is some helpful information on why EMF's are especially dangerous for kids..."Kids have watery, more conductive tissues, which allow EMF radiation to travel more easily throughout their bodies.

Early exposure to EMF radiation can affect developing organs & body systems more, since EMF-injured cells are duplicating and multiplying as the child grows.

Smaller, lighter bodies are more affected by EMF sources, since the radiation emissions travel farther into the body than within a larger adult body." (Taken from the Defender Shield Website) 

THE REAL KICKER came when my doctor casually mentioned that an airplane flight gave off more radiation than an x-ray. When I went home that day I looked it up to confirm, and sure enough, a transatlantic flight gives off 5x the radiation of a chest x-ray! 

According to Nuffield Health, "Airplanes create enormous and dangerous electromagnetic radiation. These harmful fields can layer, one upon the other, creating a toxic soup of radiation."

This was problematic for me because we fly SO often, and I truly wanted to protect my children. are some resources we've found to help limit EMF exposure when flying:

1) EMF bracelets for each child. (You can buy them here). Each of my kids has a bracelet. They wear them the entire flight, and when we arrive they hand them all to me to store until our departure date. Use Code KATIECOOK to get 15% off your order! 

2) Belly Band (You can buy it here) When I was pregnant, and knew I had multiple long distance flights coming up, I invested in this belly band. This band will protect you and your unborn baby from up to 99% of wireless Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation

3) Anti-Radiation Blanket (You can purchase it here) I wrap each of my babies and toddlers in this blanket when they fall asleep on the airplane. Ames slept with this draped over him in the airplane bassinet. In the winter months, I'll lay this blanket over my legs while I'm working on my computer. 

4) EMF Radiation Protection Beanie Cap (You can purchase it here) I put these beanies on my kids on the airplane to protect their brains from radiation! 

While there are a lot more products I want to invest in, this is what we have used for airplane protection. 

However, the 3 items we use the most on a daily basis to protect ourselves from EMF's are...

EMF Protection + Radiation Block Phone Case (You can purchase here) I started my journey with buying this case, and it's been a game changer. I can feel the difference when I use it verses when I don't. I'm definitely more sensitive to EMF's than most people, but I LOVE this case and never go anywhere without it. 

The Defender Pad you put under your laptop to protect your body from EMF's (You can purchase here)

EMF Harmonzier+ for Cell Phones...Simply stick one of these stickers on the back of your cell phone and it will help protect and neutralize the EMF's  (You can purchase here). You code KATIECOOK to get 15% off your order! 

If you'd like to win one of these products..I'm actually giving away a newborn EMF Protection Beanie Cap today over on IG! Entering is easy! 

Hope this was helpful! Don't be overwhelmed that you need to buy everything at once. Start with baby steps. I've bought these items in slow increments over the last 6 years. I'd recommend getting the cell phone case and cell phone sticker first (because our phones emit EMF's daily), and then if you plan to fly, DEFINITLY getting the EMF blocking bracelets and belly band (if you're pregnant!), etc. 

Good Luck!! And let me know if you have any questions! 

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