what i'm learning lately

Tuesday, April 29

Between the chaos of school and work and a social life, I am actually learning something {what a concept!}. And what i'm learning is good, because my fragile heart needs to know these truths and drink deeply in them. And conversely, how pathetic would I be if I went through life and didn't learn anything, haha, sad.

A few weeks ago on FB I asked people what books have impacted them in their faith. And I got a bajillion incredible answers from amazing people, and then started ordering a boat load of books on amazon {books are my forever weakness}. So far, I've read one, and started a second…

Here is what these books, awesome people, and an ever greater God are teaching me these days:

1. There is beauty in the Waiting: I found myself on more than one occasion being frustrated at the fact that I have to be in one place (California) for the next two years while i'm in grad school. My adventurous heart longs to be back living abroad. And yet, i'm reminded that there are hidden gems in the "waiting" seasons of our lives, that give rise to a blessed expectancy of watching God move in more powerful ways than we can even imagine. It's in these seasons that we can dream, and pray, and be consistent with trusting God in our lives. When I was single, I often felt frustrated with that status. But all those years of singleness only gave me a richer and deeper appreciation for Kevin, and in the meantime God was doing something special inside my heart. Isaiah 30:18 says, "blessed are those who wait". Yes ma'am, you can be blessed in your waiting season. My Amish Devotional {that i'm obsessed with} says this, "Wait in Prayer, With with Expectation, Wait in Faith that the Lord sees your need and will provide. Are you willing to turn your attention away from the 'thing' or 'action' you desire and instead turn your desire to God?" If you are in a "waiting" season, rejoice! Find beauty in the small things, dream and lay those inspirational desires before the tender heart of the Father. Fill up on his goodness. Be encouraged that your waiting will be met with a tangible expression of God's love for you.

2. Listen to your Inner Self: I just finished "Let Your Life Speak" by Parker Palmer. In it, he shares how for most of his life he followed the path of what he thought he "ought"to do, what society told him was prestigious and advantageous for his career. It wasn't until he listened to the voice inside of him that he realized he wasn't cut out for the work he was doing. What stuck out most to me was the revelation that we are all uniquely made, and that God has given us both gifts and limits Listening to your inner self is to become aware of your skills and your limits. Palmer says, "there are some roles and relationships in which we thrive and others in which we wither and die". For most of my twenties I thought my future would be in the international development world. I worked for some incredible development organizations all around the world, but it never felt fully "me". I always felt like I was one step behind what I "should" know, never good enough, or smart enough. And then last year in Nepal, God gently whispered to me that He made me to do counseling. Since entering this grad program, it has been completely clear that my soul was made for this type of work. I am not fighting my limits, I am exercising my strengths, finally.  Are you in a season where you feel like you are "withering" or "dying"? Considering spending some time with the Lord, asking him to show you the depths of how he made you, where you will thrive and where your limits begin. And limits are not weaknesses, but rather guidelines and boundaries to the way God created you. Embrace them friend, and you will be led to the work of your soul.

3. Let the Giving be your Reward: It's a painful truth to realize that so often we give in order to "get-back". I'm guilty party numero uno, friends. I was quite stopped in my tracks the other day when I read this quote from Dorothy Day, who poignantly says, "Do not give to the poor expecting to get their gratitude so that you can feel good about yourself. If you do, your giving will be thin and short-lived, and that is not what the poor need; it will only impoverish them further. Give only if you have something you must give; give only if you are someone for whom giving is its own reward". Zing to the heart, right? But such a good word to ponder and treasure, and let God work your heart over in a hot mess:)

4. InstaGram is so incredibly awesome: As you may have seen, I bit the bullet and got me an instagram!  I'd put it off for a while in my failing quest to be Amish, but let's be honest, this thing is FUN TIMES! For some of you readers that don't have blogs, I want to get to know you through your instagram! And for all my readers, I want to get to know you more! You can follow me @hopeengaged and please leave a comment so I can get to know you better:) Yeah for connecting!!

Have a beautiful filled week my loves,


  1. I'm so happy to hear that you're exercising your strengths. You are going in the needed direction! Yay!

    On another note, I just got into Instagram too. It's so addicting.: ) And, your blog design--it's fantastic! It creates such a lovely presence.

  2. Oh the waiting season. I suffer within this season far too much than I should. I am constantly waiting to get engaged, to move out, to travel and to start my family. All things are somewhat out of my control and I am learning day by day to trust in God's plan and timing for my life. Only He knows what is best for me and when it is best for me. Blessed are those who wait - yes, yes they are

  3. Since we are having such a cool Spring here on the East coast of Canada....spending two years in California sounds pretty good! I just started following your blog, it is great. We have been using an air travel rewards Visa through our bank for 8 years now and have used our points for flights to the Rockies in Western Canada, California and to France.

  4. Oh wow. The whole 'beauty in the waiting' I screenshotted it and saved it to my Inspiration folder. So good and exactly what I needed to hear. While I love love my family, I can't wait to move out of Indiana. I'm ready for something new and I'm alwaysalways looking for my next escape. I need to really be patient and enjoy my time hear and learn as much as I can. Thank you for the reminder. xo

  5. Your Amish devotional sounds great. I think my friend would love it.

  6. Beauty is in the waiting--andI'm forever searching for it. Thank you though, because their is beauty, and sometimes we just need the reminder of an Amish devotional (or a favorite blog) to revel in it. Welcome to Instagram! I'm only two months in, and I'm l-o-v-ing it :)

  7. Thank you for sharing these lessons - I needed to be reminded of them, especially the waiting part!

    And so glad I get to follow you on Instagram now too (: xx.

  8. Let the Giving be your Reward <--That's really powerful. And the waiting season is tough, but I sure hope it's beautiful, too!

  9. The Lord is taking me through a journey of "the waiting" and teaching my heart what it means to be expectant on Him. It is scary, and wonderful! I'm enjoying the journey :)

    I always look forward to your posts. You're such a poetic writer.

  10. there is so much beauty in the waiting! i need to be reminded of that every day!
    & i LOVE your new design! :)

  11. What is the name of your Amish devo?
    It's sounds interesting!!!

  12. I resonate with your #1. Feels like I am definitely in that place of waiting, as well. :)
    Also, I totally agree...Instagram is awesome and fun! The best social media outlet, I think.

  13. First ... your redesign is stunning =)
    Second ... your words always give me the encouragement I usually find myself seeking. Thank you for sharing you heart!
    Three ... instagram ... so much fun!!! It's a fabulous way to look for joy in the ordinary isn't it?!

  14. These books sound fabulous! And yes to the beauty in waiting...the hardest thing to remember, but so true! And I'm excited to follow you on Instagram...your photos are always so stunning!

  15. I love book related blog posts Katie! I'll have to look into the few titles you suggested =)

  16. I really needed this. Thank you so much, Katie! Also--LOVE the new blog layout! xoxo

  17. What a beautiful post. I've been feeling a lot lately that I'm not quite sure what God is calling me to do but I feel Him tugging gently at me, reminding me that He is there. I am doing my best to wait. But what an interesting spiritual challenge that is.

  18. Man you always seem to write exactly what I need to hear. The lesson about waiting is exactly where I am right now. Thank you for reminding me of what is important! After you finish all those books, you should let us know which were your favorites. Books are my weakness too! PS LOOOVE the new design. The blog looks gorgeous!

  19. This is a great post. I love number 1 and number 2. Such truths! We are in a (very short) season of waiting right now as we wait on some very specific news that could have a huge impact on our life so these words are perfect for me.
    And number 4... instagram is my favorite social media :) looking forward to following you!
    I love your blog and have been reading for about a month now! I always look forward to your posts. I recently (as in: yesterday!) relaunched my blog. jennaandcalder.wordpress.com if you're interested!

  20. " i'm reminded that there are hidden gems in the "waiting" seasons of our lives, that give rise to a blessed expectancy of watching God move in more powerful ways than we can even imagine. "

    YES. I have learned this lesson a lot in the last year, and I love it!

  21. This pictures are absolutely stunning. And thanks for sharing your life lessons, these are great reminders!

  22. I really liked your point about there being beauty in waiting. It's so true, but we often times fail to realize that while we are in the process of waiting for something! Patience is a great skill to have.

  23. this is awesome katie. i don't have time to fully read this right now since i am abroad but i love all your points and recognize a lot for myself. i love the: there is beauty in waiting.

  24. Beautiful and inspiring post. Thank you!

  25. Definitely cried while reading the "Listen to your Inner Self" portion. Katie, you are have such a gift of encouragement and relaying the beautiful things God's teaching you. Thank you for your vulnerability and honesty! I love you!


  27. Love this Katie! I am with you on all of the above but the point that speaks the most to my heart is that there is beauty in waiting. It is a tough lesson to learn but a really good one. Since we've been married we have been playing the waiting game because Dan is in school and finishing up soon - AMEN! So jobs, where to live, when to travel, babies, and all other kinds of good stuff has taken a back seat. But so many great things have happened during these past few years...so waiting can be a very good thing too :)

  28. Beautiful place and super pics:)) x

  29. I love the waiting one. It was so perfect for me at this time in my life!! Thank you for sharing :)


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