I love to dream. I love to think about all that could be, and see how God will breath life into those ready places. We are moving come January and my life is so uncertain. We are looking for a house, I am looking for a job, and we will be starting over with so much of our life. And yet i'm desperately excited about it. There is this itch to see how our generous God will provide, and while sometimes i'm so impatient, i'm learning to pray into the desires I have. I so believe God cares even about the smallest details.
I wanted to share my dreams, so that in 6 months, or even a year, I can look back on this post and see how God so faithfully moved, even when it looks so different than what I expected.
My dream is to find a adorable house that we can fill with warmth and love. It doesn't need to be huge, it just need to have good bones that we can work with:) {Please God, let it have a fireplace, a porch, and TONS of natural lighting!! Oh, and wood beams would be fun too! :)} Hospitality might be one of my greatest strengths, and I cannot wait to host dress-up parties, coffee dates, and have my family over for dinner (I can't believe I will be so close to my family again!! cue the confetti!!). I've also been praying a lot that God would put us exactly in the neighborhood He has for us. I want to get to know my neighbors, and love them in tangible ways. Our last neighborhood we lived in we had a total open door policy and neighbors came by almost every day, it was amazing!! I want our house to be a beacon of light and warmth and radiate God's love in a powerful way:)
I'm also dreaming about the community we will be a part of. People make my heart sing. To be known and loved and cherished, and to know and love and cherish others is a gift. My prayer is that God would usher us into the right circle of loving individuals. That we would meet couples we can walk through life with, in the ups and downs! That I would connect and grow deeper with a group of special women.
I'm dreaming of babies. For the last 4 years of marriage, it's never felt like the right time to have a baby. But boy oh boy does it feel right now (I sound so cheesy, I know, ha!). I know no one is 100% ready for parenthood, but i'm yearning to hold a sweet precious little one and pray that God provides in his perfect timing:) Please pray for us in this next season!
I also have a dream to write a book. I can't get into all the details regarding my idea yet, but it's been many years of praying into this dream. If you've followed my blog long enough, you might have an inkling of what it might contain, but i'll leave you in suspense:) If you my dear reader happen to be in the publishing world, I would love to connect with you to pick your brain about some details. Feel free to email me at hopeengaged@gmail.com. xoxo
Dreaming of how God might use Kevin and I in our city. We have a heart for the marginalized, the broken, and truly anyone needing love. My prayer is that our hearts would be open to wherever God is calling us to give of our time and love. This also includes my job as a therapist. I pray for the right counseling center to work at, and all the clients I may in contact with in the coming season:)
I dream of long walks in the park with friends, my favorite tea latte from my favorite coffee shop in town, dates with my parents, diner parties with my brother and his girlfriend, farmers market Saturdays (OMG, they have the best farmers market!), and decorating my home for the holidays! It will be here before I know it, and there is so much to look forward to!!
So grateful and excited that I get to watch our Lord work in amazing ways! He is so so good and tender, and His plan is right. Praying I will trust him and be patient as I watch it unfold:) Happy Friday dears!! xoxo
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