It's 2016, holy moly! Happy New Year friend.
Kevin and I drove up to Northern California to spend New Years with my family. The many hours in the car lent itself beautifully to dreaming and thinking about the future. Not just dreams about what we'll do and we're we'll travel (like these here…), but mostly critically thinking about who I want to become. My character. My inner thoughts. My relationships with others.
The word God has given me for 2016 is confidence. Not a confidence in myself or my abilities, but instead a confidence that comes from knowing I am loved deeply and fully by God. A beautiful and radiant confidence that stems from a life so connected to our loving Lord.
One of the way's i've been proactive in meeting my goal is by going through an AMAZING online course called Be You and Love It. Stephanie May Wilson, author and blogger put together a beautiful package filled with a journal and 21 online videos. Ladies, I cannot recommend this course enough. First of all, Stephanie is so genuine and authentic, vulnerably sharing her own story through the course. She shares the fears so many of us have, but are afraid to voice. Her vulnerability and honesty has given me so much courage to face my own issues and own them with bravery.
The course is only open a few times a year, and right now it's open from January 1-6!! If you are looking for some extra in-depth life changing course, this is it. Not only will you be walking along with Stephanie, but you will be invited to a Facebook group of ladies who will be traveling with you. The community is awesome and so loving and kind.

So why take this course? Here's a few reasons….
The heart of this course is really simple. So many of us know in our minds that we are perfectly and wonderfully made. We know Jesus, we know the scriptures, we know what God says about us. But it just doesn’t always feel true.
So the heart of this course is to fix that. The goal of this course is to help that knowledge — the truth of who God created us to be — move from our head down into our hearts so we can believe it wholeheartedly and live as though it's true.
This course is a step by step journey to help women do the following things:
- Discover how they really see themselves — until we know how we actually see ourselves, we can’t do anything to fix it
- Figure out what in the beliefs we have about ourselves are true, what are false, what are from God, what we’ve picked up throughout our lives, what other people have said about us, what we need to stop believing, and what we need to begin believing is really true about us.
- We take off the lies, removing them one by one until we have ceremoniously and prayerfully taken them off for good!
- Then we put on the truth — we tuck up close to God and ask Him who HE says we are.
- Last, but absolutely not least, we practice believing that truth. So many of us know the right things to say, but they don’t feel true. In the course, we actually practice believing them. Repeating the truths over and over again until we don't even have to think about it anymore. It's just who we are!
This course is about busting right through the insecurity we all struggle with as women — identifying it, calling it out, and getting rid of it for good. It’s about putting on the real truth of who we are, and practicing believing it until it’s real — until we can confidently, powerfully, and truthfully say, “I am so deeply and forever LOVED, and not only that, but I love myself too!”
How does this work exactly?
Be You and Love It is an online course. There are 21 videos in a membership area (you have to be a member to access them!) and those videos correspond with a downloadable workbook you receive as you sign up.
There’s also a Facebook community you gain access to when you sign up. (Quick note on this: The Facebook community is SO BEAUTIFUL! The way the group loves and encourages each other is just amazing!)
How long does the course take?
If you have more questions, you can read the FAQ section here. (Just scroll down the page a bit!)
This course is an investment, but one that has been absolutely worth it. I have been challenged, learned so much about myself, and have continued to grow in my identity and confidence in God's love.
If you want to start this year in a NEW way, breaking bad habits of seeing yourself in a negative light, then absolutely consider this course! Allow 2016 be the year you break free!!
Happy Day Friends!! xoxo
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