Love me some baby!

Thursday, January 19

{the first cake i've ever made! Despite it's shortcomings, you can't go wrong with funfetti}

Nope, this post is not about me, you can breathe easy, no babies for the Cooksies anytime soon! But, some dear dear friends of ours in the neighborhood asked if they could host a baby shower at our house. Of course!!!!!! came our reply... what's there not to love about a good party?

And a party it was indeed. I had no idea. Mexican baby showers entail some serious party.

One of my favorite things about living in my neighborhood is that i'm constantly learning about culture, and feeling so loved and welcome by our neighbors to join in their festivities. Genuine community entwines walking and sharing the joys and heartaches of life.

Two Saturdays ago we walked in JOY as we celebrated the soon-to-be Lili Dayanna. Her proud soon-to-be Daddy E is one of the most joyful men I know. He laughs and jokes and has a smile the size of Mexico. He came over about a month ago and asked if we'd host a baby shower for his lovely girlfriend. Watching E plan this event brought tears to my eyes. On nights where we swapped stories, E told us about his own father who abandoned the family when he was a little boy. Resolved to enter into fatherhood differently, he told us of his desire to love and care for his baby and family with abandon. I feel lucky to know him. His baby girl has one amazing father!

And so it was, 60 people pumped vibrant life and JOY into our humble abode. Our stove teemed over with posole and ponche. Our patio covered in tables and Mexican food, and speakers so loud their music danced and swayed rhythm into the walls of our home. I laughed, and danced, and never allowed my wide-eyed wonderment and smile to leave my face all night. This was home- not just walls and carpet and furniture- but relationships and dancing and sharing and giving. And giving some more. Everyone participating not only shared their life,but their resources, and gifts, and time, and laughter. I am constantly in awe of such genuine community, thankful God has allowed me glimpses of HIS heart through my neighbors sacrificial actions and love towards each other.

{one of my favorite sights ever...a full house! ahhh so much love to be had. And if you are wondering who the lone white dude is in the far left hand corner...that's my brother who came to visit us that weekend!}
{LOVE the woman and cute lil' Angel! Man, they are a blessing}
{Waiting to surprise the expectant mama, who was being blind folded and brought to our place}
{she's almost here!! shhhhhh...Kevin keeping watch!}
{Seriously, I was in heaven having so many people to party with on our patio. I wish you could see the speakers better. they were out of control loud! So fun!}
{Maria made posole to feed an army...seriously this woman was incredible! She makes a mean soup and ponche!}
{Let the games begin! My fav!}
{Measuring her tummy...}
{The men congregating outside while us ladies played games inside!}

This party reminded me of Jesus, and how he loved eating and laughing and engaging with everyone (no matter where they came from, or what their customs were). Jesus brings freedom. He brings laughter. Community is holy, from the Lord. And that is how we ended the night. We prayed together, and thanked God for the new life he has created. He IS the giver of life, and the sustainer of life.

May we break free of any misconceptions we have of Jesus, and run and laugh and party in community with a holy freedom!
Jesus says "I have come that they may have LIFE and have it in abundance!"

Enjoy today dear friends, and life fully who God made you:)

Love Katie

1 comment :

  1. Loved it! I think you left out the crazy salsa eating match that was going on outside and our 30 minute escapade of getting the heater outside only to have it blow a fuse haha...LOVE YOU!


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