31 years ago....

Tuesday, January 10

31 years ago my beautiful parents were married. I wish I had a picture of their wedding...my mom was gorgeous of course and my dad was all gussied up in his brown suit looking fashionable!

31 years, 4 kids, and a hoard of pets later, they are still enjoying life to the fullest! I love them for that.
Mom and Dad, you've shown Kevin and I what it takes to foster a loving relationship that lasts a life-time. Thank you for putting God first, and family second. Here are the things i've learned from you (well, this list could go on, but here are my top 5):
1) Respect Others. Every day on my way to school, my dad would walk me out the door, and say "how are you going to treat people today Katie?". And I would answer "With respect". Every day. It was our ritual. Thank you for teaching us how to love and respect others:) You lived it!

2) A home cooked meal around the table with family is just about as good as it gets! My mother is an incredible cook, and I never realized the sacrifice she put forth in cooking something delicious for us every night. Newsflash, cooking takes time and lots of preparation! Gourmet meals don't just pop up out of no where. Some of my best memories were spent around the table eating, and laughing, and talking and discussing! Heck, it's where my parents told us they were having a baby (Polly) and we didn't believe them, haha! So thanks for creating more than just food Mom, thanks for creating memories and for being so diligent about gathering us at meal times.

3) Traveling is IMPORTANT! Ever since we were little, my parents traveled with us and cultivated a sense of adventure and risk. As a family we've traveled the world, slept in a van in the middle of a soccer field in Italy, milked cows in Sweden, and built houses together in Mexico. My parents put me on a plane to Costa Rica by myself at 14, and I never looked back. When I was thinking about dropping out of grad school, my mom was the one cheering me on to move to Thailand. I am so thankful they both still have the travel twinkle in their eye after all these years!

4) Work hard, be generous, and YARD SALE (or at least be thrifty!) My dad is a farmer, and I don't know if anyone works harder than the farming breed! Both my parents are incredibly diligent in their jobs, but they make it a priority to be good stewards of their earnings. They've taught us to give with a cheerful heart! And if there's anything my mom has taught me, it's why spend $10 on a shirt when you can find a perfectly good one for 50 cents at a yard sale? Logic, people, come on!

5) Love God! One thing my dad says a lot (he has a stash of great "repeat" sayings) is "Make the main thing the main thing". My parents have done an excellent job of keeping Jesus the main thing. They love God, and raised us to love him with so much freedom in our lives.

Thanks Mama and Daddio! Hope the Bucra meeting and Arbuckle were thrilling adventures! haha, enjoy tonight!

love ya! Katie and Kevin


  1. very sweet kate! you totally captured who they are...and you also captured the frequency with which pop wears his tour de france shirt

    1. hahahah....I laughed out loud when I read this. Love it!

  2. I just love your parents! We look up to them and think that you four kids are great examples of their hard work!

    1. Ahhh thanks Danielle:) Well, I think you and Travis are like their children as well:) They love you guys! You and Travis need to come visit us in the OC!!!

  3. How sweet is this! I too have learned so much from your parents--my love for pesto started from your mom and my sense of humor has drastically improved thanks to your dad! ;) -Ruthie

    1. Thanks Rue!! Love that we all impact each other!

  4. This is so precious, Katie! You've been blessed with such great parents.

    1. Lindsay:) Thanks for posting...it was So great to hear from you. I wish you and your hubby and me and Kev could all get together sometime, I feel we have a lot in common!! What's your email?

  5. Very sweet!! I love when people are still so in love after so many years of marriage, such a blessing!!


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