friendship into family

Friday, February 24

Remember the shower we threw for baby Lili here? Well, the sweet pea has arrived and is absolutely beautiful. E called us today to come over and meet her...we were like eager beavers to see her. 
E and D were just adorable parents, so excited for us to snuggle and meet her.

They also asked us to be Lili's Godparents. We were beside ourselves, honored. We thank God for our little community- for lives that the Master intertwines with his divine touch. For isn't that the journey? To walk through life together, to hold with tenderness, to encourage with tenacity, to love fiercely? We felt the weight of community today when we said "yes, we commit to being godparents". But it was a good weight. A weight that says "I take you seriously because I love you".

Little by little friendship streams into family.

And family is where we want to be with our neighbors.

Let us all learn to love like family this week.

much love!

1 comment :

  1. Wow your hair is so long and pretty! You look beautiful! (like usual)


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