here's to love

Monday, October 15

This weekend took me by surprise in that our calendar rendered rather open. 

and with that, i spent a lot of time feeling ever so loved. 
truly reflecting on all the goodness that comes with being the apple of someone's eye. 

kev and i snuck away to one of our special "k" dates as we like to call them. 
with a basket of unknown surprises for the other, location disclosed till departure. 

and to that i say,
here's to a love that laughs at all, even himself. 
here's to a love that plays scattagories like it's going out of style, because he knows it's my favorite. 

here's to a love that washes dishes because he wants to serve me. 
here's to a love that allows me to crawl into his lap and cry, often. 
and here's to a love that doesn't judge or fix, but that encourages and inspires. 

what a love. 

and yet, as I took it all in, i realized
that i was in the arms of someone who loved me even deeper. 
that layed it all out for me on a wooden cross 
taking all that broken and ugly and sinful yuckiness. 

that sin that i hide from,
that covers me in shame. 

HE bore that. 

and I am justified AS IS. 

this weekend I had a bit of an epiphany-
I have been pronounced blameless. 

that nothing I do can make God love me more. 
I am most love-able now.
 and now. 
and now. 

the past that likes to haunt and cling,
and make me strive to DO GOOD and EARN
can be shut down now. 
bye bye. 

because LOVE deemed me perfect on that cross. 
and to that I say,
here's to a love that says your confidence isn't in your performance, but in the cross
here's to a love that wholly justifies us and clothes us in the righteousness of Christ
here's to a love that shouts "katie, you are completely free!" 
here's to a love that covers us in grace not condemnation
here's to a love that gave it all. 

a love that asks us to live and orient our lives around the cross. 
because that is freedom. 

here's to love friends. 

love Katie 


  1. Beautifully written :) So glad we are loved by the most ultimate & perfect love! Enjoy your getaway with your honey!

  2. Glad I read this as I get ready to start my day. Sending you lots of love!

  3. beautiful post! you two are so cute and I love how much you love each other!

  4. Freedom through grace can be such an overwhelming concept to grasp, but when you have those fleeting moments of insight- what a wonderful and humbling feeling. Beautifully written, as always ;)

    P.S. I LOVE Scattegories! I don't know why hubby continues to play with me because I beat him every time, but I'm so happy he does!

  5. For lack of a better word: I LOVE this post! Thank you for sharing this today. His love for us is truly and fiercely wonderful :)

  6. Amazing, crazy unmeasurable love that He has for us. So grateful for it, so humbled by it. loved this post!

  7. I love your blog! It's so right on, fun & inspiring to me! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Ah, I just love how much Christ is glorified through your words in this post (and all of your posts, really)!

  9. amen sister friend!! I loovveee that your hubby spoils you the way he does! SO sweet! And I can so testify to the crawling in your hubby's lap and crying, haha, that happens way too often for me! But even more I LOVE the LOVE of our Heavenly Father!!! It's such a blessing that the love from our husbands can just remind us that God loves us infinitely more! WHAT A BLESSING!!!!

  10. Aww! You two are so adorable! =D

  11. It is so good to see couples love like this. It makes my heart glad and thankful for having that as well.

  12. BEAUTIFUL Katie! And Here's to LOVE!

  13. oh katie, make me cry on a tuesday morning why don't you? beautiful post girl! i am so happy that the lord has placed kevin in your life. thank you for bearing your heart and the truth on this little internet space. xoxo

  14. As usual, amazing post! You really do find the best and most uplifting and encouraging words. I'm so thankful for being able to read this blog and all the truth that comes with it! His love is truly amazing, indescribable, immeasurable, and did I mention amazing? it makes my heart feel so glad :)

  15. SO CUTE! I love that you guys played scattegories!

    "the past that likes to haunt and cling,
    and make me strive to DO GOOD and EARN
    can be shut down now.
    bye bye."
    i like that. very much!

    thanks katie for being so encouraging.
    you are full of His love.. its amazing!

  16. Amen, amen, amen! I needed this reminder today. Thanks, lovely! <3

  17. This is adorable. You two are adorable! And Scattagories rocks, so glad you've got a man willing to play the games you want! :)

  18. Hehe. You guys are so sweet. I really wish we could get together one day! I think we'd be friends! :)

  19. Aw this is too sweet. I just love love. :) And Scattegories will always be one of my favorite games!

  20. you are one of the most beautiful souls I know!

  21. I just read this post and it's so encouraging! Thank you for posting!

  22. i love this.. our husbands are such a blessing when they love us like Christ and continually point us to Him. and hallelujah that we are completely redeemed and He loves us as we are... we can never add to the righteousness He's already freely given!!!


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