shirt: yard sale // skirt: eshakti // boots: Target
If you follow me on instagram, you probably read about my little shirt debacle last week. Shall we say, it was…ahem…scandalous. Basically what happened is that I bought this adorable pink silky shirt at a yard sale for a quarter and had such grand plans for how I wanted to style it!
I paired it with this sweet skirt from eshakti {a lovely online clothing brand}, and felt so "smart" {as the girls in Nepal used to always called my nicer outfits!} I walked out the door feeling ready to conquer
Halfway through filing papers and chatting with my supervisors, my eyeballs dropped... and to my absolute horror my sweet little pink shirt has ripped from the armpit to the chest! It was the grand canyon gone wrong over my chest! Gasp!!!…I know. The rest of the day {which fortunately was only an hour} I slouched around all bag-lady like, trying not to expose my inners! I probably waddled down the hall trying to hold the goods in! It took some serious work people, but I think I handled that rip like a pro.
All that to say, I guess that's what I get for donning a 30 year old shirt bought for a quarter at a yard sale {I'm so trusting, I know}. On the plus side, my new eshakti skirt held up like a champ. It is so beautifully made, the quality quite evident and I'm pretty sure it will never expose me to the same humiliation as my shirt {which I am trying to sew up, btw!}
Have any of you ever had any "rip" debacles? Do tell….
Happy Wednesday!
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