We snuggled in bed and ate waffles, then worked on some diy projects that have been hanging over our head. We did a last coat of paint on our Ikea Billy Bookcase hack (that I can't wait to share more about!) and then decided to go on an adventure while the paint dried.
We bundled up and drove out to a monastery in the hills. And by monastery I literally mean there are monks that live there and work the land and make wine. The monastery was actually built in Spain in the 1100's, and was brought to the USA stone by stone by William Randolph Hearst (who built Hearst Castle). It somehow made it's way to Northern California, and sits amidst the vineyards, quite picturesque.
After the monastery, we decided to just get lost on country roads. Can I tell you how freeing that was? I can't remember the last time I drove for fun, for the sake of seeing the beautiful countryside. We literally just picked a random road, and drove for miles. Northern California is absolutely gorgeous right now. The grass is bright green, the wild flowers are blooming, and there are baby cows and goats everywhere. Because of the rain, there are small rivers that ran all through the grassy meadows. It was breathtaking.
I felt as though I was in the English countryside. To reiterate this notion, we listened to the soundtrack of Pride and Prejudice the entire car ride, on repeat. Is it sad I can tell you what scene each song corresponds with? That's how much I love P&P:) I kind of channeled my inner Lizzie Bennet with this long dress, hair pulled back, and free spirit clomping through the muddy fields. And of course my own sweet Mr. Darcy making the day very lovely.
We ended the night having dinner with family at my parents. My mom made a delicious meal, and we sat around the fire. Birthdays are special and i'm so grateful for the people who made mine sweet. Thank you dear ones.

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