Did you know there is a whole print magazine dedicated to blogging? I had no idea…until about 8 months ago, that is. 8 months ago an adorable magazine called Artful Blogging contacted me about submitting an article to their magazine. I had never really considered submitting anything to a magazine before, but thought "what the heck! this could be fun…let's try it!" So I wrote an article on being true to your heart in blogging (i.e.: keeping your authentic voice), and submitted some pictures (you can all make fun of my cheesy title now, but it gets the job done, haha!). A few weeks ago I received my first print copy, and WOW, this magazine is seriously gorgeous. I felt so honored to be featured!! {alongside amazing bloggers, like Joy the Baker!} If you're interested in picking up this copy released March 1st, they sell them at your local Barnes and Noble in the magazine section!
Love this creative online blogging community, and am so so thankful to you readers for believing in me and encouraging me!! I couldn't do this without all of you!! Have a VERY sweet weekend, and don't forget to come back Monday as I share my favorite birthday tradition of all! {on my actual birthday, no less!! Can you tell i'm kind of excited for my birthday? I know…i'm shameless, haha!}
Happy Weekend lovelies!!
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