Own Your Life

Friday, March 20

"stewarding your life wisely can bring great confidence, excellence of character, and peace of mind-and lead you to create a legacy, a story worth telling. But it begins with a determination on your part to make a wise plan, to forge reasonable goals, to listen to the prompting of the holy spirit, and to trust God to lead you on a path of spiritual renewal and strength" - Sally Clarkson 

"in the end, remember this…nothing in this world will fill the deep crevices of your life with peace, contentment, love and joy except God" -Sally Clarkson 

I'm reading the book "Own your Life" by Sally Clarkson and it is fast becoming one of my favorite reads. I'll admit, recently, i've started feeling a little out of control with my life. Busyness is a thief that grabs a hold, and slowly strangles us. And when we are busy, we are are more lax on what we allow into our brain and into our life. And by "we" I mean "I"!

I find that i've been inconsistent with spending time with the Lord because i've had to wake up early and I don't get home till late. I find that if I have a spare minute, i'm scrolling through my phone. These are not choices that I want to define my life.

So…this book has been a HUGE encouragement to my soul. Every morning (or evening) i've looked forward to reading a new chapter, and have curled up in my chair with a cup of tea. I've taken loads of notes already, and underline almost every other paragraph (a tell-tale sign of a GREAT book!). The bottom line is, I want to own my life….I don't want aspects of life to own me. I want to make a wise plan for how I spend my days, and I want to be open to where the Lord may lead me. {and no, I was not asked to write a review. I bought this book on my own, and have been so encouraged and inspired I wanted to pass it along to you!}

All these things are on my mind, but it's sparking a bit of a self revolution, so for that i'm grateful. Enjoy your weekend dear friend, any fun plans? I'm headed up to the mountains with two of my best friends to celebrate in a cabin in the woods. So so excited!! Happy Weekend lovely!  

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