adventure...the way of the heart

Friday, July 26

 Today I wanted to talk about adventure. 
simply, I believe we were created to live brave and beautiful and meaningful lives
full of inspiration and justice and kindness. 

many times when we think of adventure, we immediately think travel. 
and yes, travel has lit my world on fire and given me more inspiration than a pinterest board:) 
together, Kev and I have lived/backpacked/ toured through almost 40 countries,
and feel incredibly blessed to have a seen a slice of the world. 

and as you dear readers all know, we are currently living in Nepal,
working with girls that have been rescued out of sex-trafficking. 
and that is an adventure in itself. 

but adventure, I think, is more than just travel, it is a state of our hearts. 
it is programing our lives so that our hearts are living on the edge of expectancy,
anticipating that God can use our small lives for HIS glory,
and praying into our DREAMS.

 adventure can then be lived
wherever you are,
whatever your circumstances. 
adventure is saying

"Lord, use my life. 
Drain me of me, 
and Fill me up with YOU" 

it is living in a way that takes the bible at it's word.

it is praying BIG prayers that you feel aren't even possible,
and watching God fulfill them. 

you see, my husband and I grew up in sunny California. 
pretty insulated from the poverty around us. 
But when we first started dating, we kept asking ourselves...
what does Jesus call us to? How did Jesus live?  
and so we decided that the Bible would be a good place to start...I mean, come on, right? 
and pretty much it was this....
Jesus hung out with the poor, the prostitutes, the hurting and the broken.
and guess what? this scared us half to no joke. 
last time we checked we didn't know any poor people or prostitutes. epic fail.

and so, with the desire to be brave and live the adventure Christ set before us,
we decided to start praying big prayers that God would teach us what it looks like to walk with the poor in our own country.
in our city.

Because how can we look like Christ if we don't live like him? 

so with knees knocking, the Lord opened a door to move into an immigrant neighborhood, and we moved.
we were scared, but we were at peace.
Jesus was with us, more than I had ever felt. 

because that's the thing with adventure. 
When God calls us to live in a way that emulates him, it's freaking scary,
but it's also the most liberating experience
because it's begins to bring rays of heavenly lights to earth. 

Kevin and I lived in this neighborhood the last 4 years, and it changed our life.
We became family with our neighbors.
We looked poverty in the face, and prayed about the dreams that could become.
We hosted a weekly college bible study for students in the neighborhood,
a vbs in the summers on our patio,
numerous dinner parties and baby showers, and even became god-parents.

just last week we heard that nine of the kids in our neighborhood gave their lives to Christ,
and were baptized in my in-laws pool.
we cried the happiest tears!
ohhhh friends...
adventure lies before us if we give God our life
and let him use it whatever way he wishes! 

so yes, adventure is at our fingertips. 
because Jesus came to shake things us and lead us on a wild life! 
but it starts in your heart
and realizing that every day has the potential to matter in a brave way. 
so dream big, and then pray big!  

what adventures have you been on lately? 

much love,


  1. love this. I went into medicine to serve others, and I never thought of it as being an adventure. But you're right- it can be. Thanks so much for sharing your inspired life :)

  2. "realizing that every day has the potential to matter in a brave way" that! It's so easy to think the day-in/day-out tasks don't matter. Such a good reminder that every day is a new adventure!

  3. You are just beautiful Katie. I loved reading this. It all begins with a single step out of our comfort zone, doesn't it?! I love following your adventures!

  4. Our adventure has been leaving our crazy, adventurous, and dodgy life in Africa which we were so comfortable in and moving home to Canada. Yes, its been an adventure living back home, working 9-5, eating yummy food, and trying to fit back into this culture all the while trying to hold on to the values that we loved in the African culture. You are right; adventure doesn't haven to be travelling to far-fetched, uncomfortable places. Sometimes its coming to the familiar and asking God what He wants us to do here.

  5. " adventure can then be lived
    wherever you are,
    whatever your circumstances.
    adventure is saying

    "Lord, use my life.
    Drain me of me,
    and Fill me up with YOU"

    it is living in a way that takes the bible at it's word.

    it is praying BIG prayers that you feel aren't even possible,
    and watching God fulfill them. "

    ...i needed to read that today.
    Thank you for honestly posting this....<3

  6. I love, love this post - I just keep re-reading it over and over again because the words and thoughs are so beautiful and inspiring. I'm about to embark on a big adventure of my own with moving away from home to go to law school in a new city, but I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for my life. I just have to keep repeating that prayer asking Him to use me as He pleases to do His work on this Earth, instead of getting wrapped in my personal daily responsibilities and to-do lists. Great post & I hope you and Kevin enjoy your trip to Paris! :)

  7. Gosh I love this...and I Love you. THANK YOU for always writing from the heart. You're amazing!

    Motherhood has to be my greatest adventure so far :) Everything is new, everything is an adventure. Sometimes it's difficult, but it's so rewarding on the other side of it!

  8. This is just so beautiful! I love that you guys prayed for a way to live your life like Christ. So much of adventure means being open to adventure, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone.

  9. Beautiful as always friend! I am always amazed at the way that the Lord uses our prayers for adventures! TRULY we never know how or where He will lead but as we trow open our hearts to Him we can be amazed! I love the concept that our neighbors are in desperate need of the Lord's great love. Sometimes the greatest adventure can be found in reaching out to friends and family who don't know the most beautiful love of all!
    :) Hope you both are having a GRAND adventure in Paris!
    :) Rebecca

  10. Katie, I so appreciate your writing. When I read your words I always feel like we're just sitting across the table from each other chatting. And that's the best. :) I feel like developing a heart of thanksgiving is also quite an adventure. When you start looking all around you for the little gifts it's amazing the vibrancy that adds to the "mundane."

  11. This is absolutely beautiful. School has started up again and I have a particularly challenging group so thank you for reminding me that giving it up to Christ will never cease to amaze :)

  12. I'm reading this at work and tearing up! I keep thinking stop tears stop! But seriously I don't want them to stop, not really. Katie you are (as I have said before) such an inspiration. Thank you for reminding me that I need to pray that prayer to be filled by Jesus.

    I so often feel like I'm not doing enough, like I'm not in the right place. But yesterday I was reminded by a close friend that often God places us in completely normal, every day situations that end up being the hardest situations to be in as a Christian. I think I experience that everyday where I work. I would say that at least 90% of the people I work with don't know the Lord. And I would say that so much of the gossip, drama, meanness, etc. comes from that absence of Christ. Katie it is so difficult to work amongst those that don't believe and not fall into the trap of not representing Christ as I should. So many days I return home and realize that I have not lived as God would want me to live that day. So I read your blog and feel strengthened in my resolve to remain steadfast and expectant for God's direction and plan. As I read I feel rejuvenated to try that little bit harder in my every day life to be that example. Thank you Katie. :)

  13. You're right! Life is such an adventure, especially when Jesus is writing the adventure story. I couldn't have ever imagined all that would happen in my life in the last 3 years but He knew! I wouldn't trade it for anything.

    I LOVE that quote you added:
    "Lord, use my life.
    Drain me of me,
    and Fill me up with YOU"

    Enjoy your European adventure!!


  14. An incredibly challenging but encouraging post Katie! Loved it =D And I'm getting a little bit better at cultivating a more advantageous heart because of your words and blog!

  15. you are so right ON my friend!! You're strength and faith inspires me everyday. I am so grateful that there are people like YOU in this world, look at the lives you've CHANGED!!!! xoxoxo

  16. So encouraging, you're right adventure is all around us if we seek out God's purpose for our lives. I love your line "When God calls us to live in a way that emulates him, it's freaking scary,but it's also the most liberating experience because it's begins to bring rays of heavenly lights to earth." So true! Thanks for the reminder! Love you! xo

  17. You're right adventure is all around when we seek out God's purpose for our lives! I love your line "When God calls us to live in a way that emulates him, it's freaking scary, but it's also the most liberating experience because it's begins to bring rays of heavenly lights to earth." so true and so encouraging! Love you! xo

  18. Katie...I love that you posted on this. The word adventure has been on my mind lately and I am still figuring out what that's going to mean in my life. You touched on this's always a good idea to leave that up to God and let him handle what adventure might be next!

  19. Katie - What a beautiful reminder and an amazing story! Each time I hear about your story, I am filled with awe on how much beautiful Trust you have in Him. I want to remember this week to find "an adventure" in the ordinary - dream big, pray big :) xo

  20. Oh girl!! This post is so refreshing and inspiring.. This is my prayer everyday! Sometimes we put limits on God without realizing it. We need to realized that He's a Big dreamer just like us and He wants to see those dreams and big prayers come to life more than we do! =DD LOVE YA!

  21. I just want to be best friends with you guys. I love the adventuring for God style of life. :)

  22. All of your posts are just so beautiful!! Thank you for writing them, girl! My biggest adventure has simply been opening my life up to God, and just letting him change and use me where he wants me to be. It's not always what I would have for myself, and I'm learning to really embrace that.

  23. LOVE THIS!! "Lord, use my life. Drain me of me, and Fill me up with YOU" I want this to be my prayer each and every day. In fact, I just wrote it on a note card and put it in my bathroom. Thank you sweet friend!

    Oh - and HELLO STUNNER! you are gorg.

  24. So glad I stumbled unto your blog and this particular post! I love how God can use strangers to speak to us! Thank you for sharing your heart!


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