The strength of our weakness

Monday, February 9

How could the most vulnerable, messy and painful parts of me, my weaknesses, be seen as a strength? This was something I was wrestling with this weekend as I listened to a sermon on God using our weakness for His glory.

I feel ashamed of my weaknesses or still remember the incredible pain these difficult seasons brought into my life. To me, they seem devoid of anything good, any crumb that God could use.

But oh, how this isn't so. 1 Corinthians 12:9 Jesus says "My power is made perfect in weakness" and Paul writes "when I am weak, then I am strong". So, so different to the messages this world tells us…to put on a happy face and walk around as if we are perfect people free from blemish or stain. I never want to give the impression that i'm a perfect person on this blog {oh heavens NO!}. I share just a snippet of my personal life on this blog, but please be quite aware that i'm a very imperfect person on the other side of this screen. If we met, i'm sure we'd both breathe a huge sigh of relief knowing that we're both broken people just trying to do the best we can to live, learn and love!

But I believe the beautiful thing about weakness, is that it is the sacred space where God makes us more like himself. Weakness is where we learn to depend on His love in a way we never knew. It brings us to our knees knowing that we are not in control, but HE is and HE is for us. Weakness also is a place where fellowship occurs.

I've since come to believe that my very weakness is the ground in which others can be known and accepted. When we are vulnerable with where we've been, we invite others into a space that allows them to be exactly who they are and express their pain in an environment that says "I understand you" and "i've been there".

Whatever haunting season you've been through, whatever weakness agitates you, Jesus can use it….in great ways. I may not understand the why of my pain or weakness, but I do know that the sensitive places in our lives can be used by God to love others. I'm hoping 2015 is the year I step out of some fear, and share more of my own weaknesses with you all. It's a bit daunting, as this is a public blog, but I also believe that we women are in this together, and that the more vulnerability we share, the greater connection there is to be had!

Be encouraged today that all you have experienced can be used by Jesus in a beautiful and redemptive story that shine God's love in a profound and miraculous way. Praying for you!

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