Tinggly Give-Away winner and an update

Friday, February 13

{photo taken my my lovely sister-in-law Jenna

It was so incredibly fun to be able to offer this give-away from Tinggly. The only problem was…I really wanted EVERYONE to win. Kevin and I were literally nervous logging into random.org and picking a winner for the give-away. But, I suppose only one person can win…so, without further ado…the winner of the give-away is Maddie Bacon! Congrats Maddie!

In other news…life has been full. So very full and lovely and hard and amazing all at the same time. I'm working, seeing clients {which I LOVE}, going to school full time, and finding time to snuggle with my husband and see my sweet friends.

There are some changes too. The Life Group we started with another couple 4 years ago is slowly coming to an end. It was such a lovely run with incredible people and amazing bonding times, like this retreat. But very much like the course of life, God is calling all of us in new directions, and we want to give freedom to everyone to chase after the dreams God has instilled deep inside their hearts. Last night we sat around a fire pit, surrounded by fragrant orange trees, and shared memories from the last 4 years.  I count it a blessing to have walked with these people for a unique season in my life. These were the people we hosted a janky VBS with on our porch, threw a Thanksgiving party & Cinco de Maya party with for our neighbors, celebrated with at each of my birthday parties {Mad Men & Downton Abbey themed!} and were the faithful friends sending us off to Nepal in 2013. It's a strange feeling to disband, but it also felt very right. Seasons in life are a funny thing, but I love how when old doors shut, new windows open. I suppose it keeps life interesting!

We're still volunteering with a group of international students. They are hilarious. I love that we are some of the first people that get to welcome them into America, and help them with their English. I'm a huge proponent of being an ambassador of my country, welcoming all who come! I feel like whenever we travel, strangers roll out the red carpet for Kevin and I. We are always in constant disbelief at the kindness of those around the world. I hope we can show the same kindness to those visiting America.

A few things i'm loving right now: 
- "The Best Yes" by Lysa Terkeurst : OMG…this book is amazing. It's my first time reading anything by Lysa Terkeurst…and let me tell you, I LOVE her honest style. She's the person who admits the things you've experienced but would be too humiliated to ever share. I love her for that. I find myself nodding my head and and writing "amen!" in the margins. The book talks about how to make wise decisions…and seeing as I'm a first rate failure at making decisions without stress, this book has been so so helpful! It's already alleviated a lot of anxiety!

- Pukka Tea: 3 years ago Kevin and I visited our friends in London. Tony and Dayna opened up their incredible apartment to us in the East End, and as if that wasn't enough, Dayna bought me my first box of Pukka Tea. You guys…there is tea, and then there is Pukka tea. I can't even describe to you how much I love this tea. I literally cried happy tears when I found that I could sometimes find Pukka at TJ Maxx or Marshalls! My absolute favorite flavor is called Relax. After a long day of school, Kevin makes me a good proper cuppa of Relax. Yum Yum!

- Rem Cycle Calculator: Ok, so this is totally random, but recently a friend told me about an app called sleepyti.me bedtime calculator. You basically input the time you need to wake up, and it tells you what time you should go to bed so that you don't wake up mid rem cycle. I've tried it the last few nights and I've actually noticed that i'm not as tired when I get my full rem cycle in. Weird, right? But like many weird things…it works!

This weekend is my grandfather's 90th birthday. Kevin and I are flying to Northern California tonight so that we can attend the big party tomorrow. My whole family is flying in from all over the country, and it will be such a beautiful celebration. My grandfather is one of the most amazing, servant-hearted people…generous beyond belief. He's lived 9 decades ya'll! But 9 decades poured out in love upon his family. I can't wait to celebrate his life!!

Have a fantastic weekend. See ya next week! xoxo

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