It's easy to get discouraged in the world we live in. Life is hard, and as a therapist, I hear some pretty horrific stories that pull my heartstrings in ways unspoken. Everywhere I look, it seems like every part of our society seems to be falling apart. This morning in my quiet time, I was lamenting on the sadness and loneliness I see in people, and sometimes in myself. And God spoke to me something beautiful, an anthem that lifted my spirit….
It was so fresh to me today, so beautiful and pure, convicting where I was at. If my treasure is in wishing the world to be perfect, then my heart will always be disappointed. But if my treasure lies in Jesus and making his name known and His good news alive in my life to those around me, then my heart will be gloriously caught up in kingdom living that is meaningful and exciting.
Jesus. It always comes back to Him.
I've been learning lately about what it looks like to get out of the way of myself, and truly let the spirit live though me. You might say i'm leaning deeper into "walking with the spirit"(a Christiany phrase i've heard my whole life but was always a bit confused by). I'm slowly throwing off the yoke of "Katie's wants and desires" and making room for the spirit to lead, guide and stir up my complacency and comfort. And it's been crazy fun to see the spirit at work!
I wanted to share a few stories from this past week. I don't share these at all to say "look at me", but instead "look at the Spirit" because He is wild and free and so so tender and compassionate to the world.
Last week I was walking up to my neighborhood Trader Joes when I saw a homeless boy sitting outside with his dog. It was literally a million degrees, and I felt the spirit prompting me to say hello to the boy. I asked him if he was surviving the heat, and he said he was grateful for the shade. I went into TJ's, did my shopping, and before I checked out, grabbed a smoothie off the shelf to buy for the boy outside. When I went outside, I handed the boy the smoothie and we started chatting. He mentioned he was looking for a job, and said he had faith something would come up. Now, normally I probably would have wrapped up the conversation and headed on my merry way. But instead, I felt the spirit prompting me to ask if I could pray for me. He agreed, so I kneeled down beside him and prayed that God would provide for his every need. When I was done, he grabbed my hand, looked me straight in the eye and told me "the world needs more beautiful like you. You don't know what that means to me". I walked away feeling so grateful for the spirit's work through me. I suppose sometimes we just need to get out of the way (put our self-conscious feelings aside!)
Secondly, every night at 10pm, Kevin and I pray for our neighbors. We figure, revival starts with prayer, and we can do that. So we pray for our neighbors. Last Saturday, I was yard saling and went to a street 2 blocks from our house. I started chatting with the couple, and somehow we got talking about church. They straight up told me they wanted to visit my church because they wanted to grow closer to Christ, as they were recovering alcoholics. So I got their number and they plan to attend church with us next week. It was so cool to see how God orchestrated that meeting!!
Praying that I will continue to treasure the right things- eternal things like loving people and sharing the GOOD NEWS that truly is so so good. The world wants us to treasure all the wrong things (status, money, fame, popularity, etc) but it all leads to emptiness. So here's to treasuring what matters today!
love you ladies!!
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