A few years ago when I started dabling with photography, my goal was to learn how to capture the images of our life in a poingnat way. Mostly, I was excited to encapsulate our travels on film! Kevin and I travel so much, that it made sense last year to invest in a really nice camera before moving to Nepal.
But somehow God had others plans for me and my camera. To my surprise, while in Nepal, a couple I had never met found my blog and asked me to shoot their wedding in Kathmandu. I was incredibly honored, albiet a bit intimidated! Me? Shoot their wedding? But they believed in me, and told me they didn't want to even consider anyone else for the job! {they were a special couple!}
But coming back to the US, I thought "that was it! I'm glad I could bless them, but I think that's where it ends."
but it wasn't.
Working the harvest in my hometown this Fall, I had a few family members ask me to take family pictures for them. I did, and we had an absolute blast!
And soon those family members posted pictures on facebook,
and all of a sudden I had people emailing me that I didn't know that wanted to pay me...
{i was rather stunned! haha}
At this point I began to seriously pray about photography.
I wanted the Lord to be in it 100%,
and I refused to move ahead with it unless I heard his leading.
And yet door after door kept opening.
You guys, I sat amazed at what unfolded around me!
Since the Fall, i've had job after job.
I am just incredibly humbled.
I wasn't looking for this,
and yet Abba in his sweet mercy and kindness,
has allowed me a creative outlet
which will also help us provide some extra income while I start grad school!
{grad school aign't cheap peeps!!}
So...I have launched a photography business called...
Hope Photographie
{doesn't surprise you, right? haha}
My website is www.hopephotographie.com and I am working on a blog:)
I would also be so honored if you "liked" my FB page as well! {here}
Thank you to all of you my dear readers who have constantly encouraged me in my photography!!
Seriously, so many of you have repeatedly spoken into this gifting, and I can't thank you enough!
gaahh, I love you ladies:)
As a token of my appreciated, I wanted to offer a
FREE Photo Shoot as a gift to one {or more} lucky reader{s}!
Here's the deal:
I am offering a free photo shoot of ANY TYPE {wedding, engagement, family, etc}
However, the only stipulation is that if you are not local, you would pay for my transportation.
Now, I get that it doesn't make sense to fly me out to the East Coast just to do a 2 hour shoot.
However, IF you or someone you know is getting married, then it might make sense to pay for my transportation {even if it is to the East Coast} and get free wedding photography out of the deal!!!
If you are local in Southern California, then we can figure out where to meet!!
So, here is what you need to do to WIN THIS FREE SHOOT!!
2. "Like" the Hope Photographie Facebook page {here}
3. In the comment section, please leave a comment with the answers to these questions:
a. What kind of session you want {wedding, engagement, couple, family, blogging pics, etc}
b. Where you located {or the friend you want to gift this to lives}
c. Your name and email address
There is absolutely potential for me to pick more than one winner!!
And here's the thing...I would take ANY excuse to meet you readers:) ANY!
I love you guys!!
And if you are ever in Southern California and want to book a shoot with me
{or try your chances at winning this free one}
please do!!!
I am also offering "blogger" sessions if you want some pretty pictures for your blog!
Thanks again for all your encouragement to me!! Love you ladies!
love Katie
ps- here is a sample of some of my most recent pictures below, enjoy!
:) Love, love, love. But you already knew that. I was just looking at flights to California this morning. If we make it there in March a photo session is definitely happening!
ReplyDeleteKATIE!!!!! These are AMAZING! i love that you are taking this path, that this is part of your ministry. Somehow these pictures are absolutely communicating the things you also communicate with your words...insights into the kingdom. I am personally VERY excited for this venture and can't wait to see where it leads you. You rock :)
ReplyDeleteEsther x
Love love love!! SO excited for you Katie! :) You are truly gifted! Question- did you take any classes when you bought your camera or did you just play with it and figure it out? I'm dying to invest in a nice camera and to take a class or two. And hubs and I will be headed down to Newport this spring! Would love to do a shoot with you! Excited to meet you in real life :) xox
ReplyDeleteSo excited about this!! and Hope Photographie was the first thing that came up on my facebook search when I typed in Ho.... lol!!! Congrats on the new venture, cant wait to make the trip out to the West!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for you, Katie! You have an eye for finding beauty in the unexpected. I put a link to this giveaway on Beth Sekishiro's facebook page because she is on staff with Cru at Cal Poly Pamona (but is an UCD alum and was one of my freshman biblestudy girls! She also lived in Fountain Circle) and has been looking for ways to cut costs with her upcoming wedding :)
ReplyDeleteYou're pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I'm so excited that God has opened this door for you...you will do absolutely amazing! So jealous of the people who will win the photo shoot :-) (Darn living in Canada haha)
ReplyDeleteSo proud of you! Truly seems like the Lord is in the midst of this...so very exciting!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a special giveaway, Katie! God really has given you a gift!!! I hope you truly are able to bless one (or more) of your readers through this! (And even better if you get to travel!) ;-)
ReplyDeletethis is so wonderful! these pictures are beautiful! God has such an awesome way of making things happen :) we should for sure talk photography some time :)
ReplyDeleteYour talent is incredible. I hope that one day one finds me as it has you. I never win these things, so I won't answer questions, but just wanted to tell you how fantastic your eye is!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you and so proud of you! I love how similar our stories are right now. :) I would LOVE for you to take maternity photos for me someday, but I know I can't afford to fly you out here. Who knows, maybe we'll travel to CA for a "babymoon" and have you take photos then. :)
ReplyDeleteYour photos are just Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThis is so crazy awesome Katie!! =) I love the way the Lord works!! =)
ReplyDeleteWhat a perfect job for you!!
Much Love!
katie, i've always thought you were a truly talented photographer! i love how bright and vibrant your photos are...it's my favorite :) so excited the Lord has blessed you in this way and keeps bringing jobs along!
ReplyDeleteKatie, you amaze me more and more each day that I get to know you. I am beyond thrilled that we chose you to capture out photos this year and hope to continue as well.
ReplyDeleteIf this is where I enter the contest in would like to be considered for my brother in laws wedding this summer. It will be local so cal / oc but they are doing something very small to keep the costs down (courthouse and party after). If the schedule doesnt allow then an engagement session would be ideal too.
Keep up thr fantastic work. You have an eye for this.
What a special talent. These have truly captured the beauty of family. I have been reading for awhile, and have been encouraged and blessed by your love of God and lust for life. What a special gift to be able to share with your readers.
ReplyDeleteI actually went to high school and college with Kevin, and Kristi was my small group leader my freshman year. So it is fun to see pictures of the family.
Anyway. Thank you again for continuing to be an encouragement though your deep rooted faith and constant words of wisdom. You really do have a gift.
You have a serious gift girl!! So excited for you!
ReplyDeleteMany blessings for this new adventure Katie! So excited to see where God takes you with it =D
ReplyDeleteI'm a big fan of you as a photographer, writer, and a person! :) I'm interested in entering the giveaway! a) It'd be fun to get some 1 year photos of Ava. b) I think you know where I'm located. c) vanessastricker@solidarityrising.org
ReplyDeleteLove you! :)
Found you through Chloe at beyond blessed. You are incredible talented! Excited to be your newest follower :)
ReplyDeleteWow Katie this is amazing! You are truly talented and it seems like you've been doing it for a long time!:) I would love it if you could take family pictures just me and my three sisters that would be great!!:D
ReplyDeleteThese photographs are all so, so beautiful! Just gorgeous. Your use of light is absolutely stunning :)
ReplyDeleteYou are so talented, friend!! The Lord has really blessed you and I'm so happy for you!! Can't wait to watch this incredible journey unfold!
ReplyDeleteyou're so good! No wonder they asked you to shoot their wedding! haha. keep up the good work! Hey, photography is a big deal - you're capturing the moment and using natural resources given from God - pretty sweet if you ask me! I tried it and I just couldn't get into it as much...I figured that video was where I belonged!
ReplyDeleteYou are so talented!!! You really take stunning pictures. I would love to participate in your giveaway. a) It would for me. I recently lost 90 pounds and been looking into doing a photoshoot to celebrate the new me. b) Brea, Ca c)Sandra : sandradfranco@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteyou have such a beautiful gift Katie! how amazing that you've received this opportunity. so excited for you!
ReplyDeleteThese are beautiful pictures!
ReplyDelete~ Country Girl's Daybook
Recently posted: Get your backpacks ready... Some essentials for the March for Life: http://bit.ly/1gmOgym
Katie, you are so incredible and I absolutely love the way God is using your gifts and generous, loving heart to bless others!! Here's my submission: a) a family session for my family for my parent's 30th wedding anniversary, b) Simi Valley, c) I think you know my email :) love you, friend!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Katie! I'm the Beth that Chelsea mentioned above. I was sandwiched between Peter's and Lena's classes in school. Like Chelsea said, I'm part of your Fountain Circle legacy...lived there three years as an undergrad and two as a Cru intern/new staff! Love that place, haha.
ReplyDeleteI perused your photography, and I especially love what you do with lighting :) So here's an entry:
a) I'm looking for a wedding shoot
b) in the Sacramento area.
c) Beth, bethsekishiro@gmail.com
So fun for you to be doing this - God is so good. I would LOVE if we could get a family shoot - we haven't had one since the kids were probably 4 and 6 and here they are 9 and 11--ACK!! We are local - yay!!! Would love to see you!
DeleteKristin Albright
Oh gosh, I am SO PROUD OF YOU!! GO KATIE, GO!!! This is awesome!! I've loved your photography since I first stumbled upon your blog and know that this will be a blessing both to you and others!!
ReplyDeleteI am going to enter this contest in hopes I win and get a photoshoot during my long weekend in Cali next month! :)
a. What kind of session you want {wedding, engagement, couple, family, blogging pics, etc}: Blogging pics in a pretty field somewhere because you completely ROCK at those types of photos!!
b. Where you located: I'm in Oregon, but I would be in Cali :)))
c. Your name and email address: You have these already :)
This is amazing! I love your photos! And I'm currently Lena's roommate in Davis.
ReplyDeleteI would love to win a wedding session, or engagement. My name is Katy Zuffelato and my email katy.zuffelato@gmail.com. And my wedding would be in the Sacramento area but we don't have a venue yet!
Gorgeous photos! What a cool story of how God was working. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHi Katie! I'm Kate! Nice to meet you!
ReplyDeletea) Family Pictures! Or just of my kiddo (he's 10 months old. and adorable.) or of all 3 of us or maternity/birth/newborn of my next one. I would love one of those :)
b) Davis! (but we will be traveling down to SoCal in March!)
3) Kate Kootstra note4kate@gmail.com
I love your photography business. I looked at your new website and it looks really great. I think my favorite part was the 'love letter'! That is a great way to speak life into someone. Blessings to you on this new adventure!
ReplyDeleteAlso, if I'm in CA I'd love to meet up for a photo shoot =)
I love everything about this. Wish I had a reason for a photo shoot at this moment! Don't be surprised when you get an email down the line asking for a family shoot :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you all and have a wonderful beautiful life together.. The officiant was wonderful..Your both angels are so sweet !
ReplyDeleteVideo Production Company & Wedding Videographer Adelaides