La Mesa, Mexico

Wednesday, September 3

A little over a week ago my brother called me and asked if I wanted to join him and my sisters on a trip to Mexico. I immediately booked a flight, and a few days later was on my way to El Paso. My siblings picked me up, and we drove 12 hours into the interior of Mexico to an extremely remote place called Samachique, in Chihuahua. From Samachique, we boarded a very tiny plane that flew us on to a strip of dirt on a cliff, known as La Mesa (lots of prayers going on during that flight!) The view below us was absolutely stunning, I could not believe how gorgeous the canyon below us lay. And in this massive canyon lives a people group called the Tarahumara. They are an indigenous tribe that was pushed to the mountains many years ago, and literally lives off the land in their bright colored clothing. Unfortunately, like many oppressed native people groups, they have such a lack of access to education and medical treatment.

We partnered with an incredible team who lived in La Mesa, and worked to bring these beautiful people excellent medical care, and love. When we arrived in La Mesa, we laced up our hiking shoes, and set out on foot deep into the canyon. Most Tarahumara villages in this canyon are not accessible by car…only foot. So we drove as far as we could, then walked the rest of the day. The hike was beyond all imagination. I had no idea Mexico was this lush, rocky, mountainous, and fertile! Because a river runs crazy through the valleys, we had to cross the river multiple times! I felt like I was playing Oregon Trail, "fording the river" numerous times during the day!

Once we arrived in the village, my siblings and I were there to assist the doctors/nurses with their work. Most of the babies in the villages do not receive enough vitamins and nutrients. So the doctors brought a vitamin formula combination, which we mixed with something called "Pinole" {essentially ground popcorn that is part of the Tarahumara diet}. We would take the Pinole that the mother would bring, and mix it with the vitamins and some oil and then return it to the mother.

At the same time, we were helping the doctors weight and measure each of the children. The team is currently doing a study on the effectiveness of Pinole and the growth of the children, which so far has been incredibly successful! I loved being able to interact with the sweet mothers and their children. Even though our lives are so different, we still have so much in common as a woman in this world.
After spending most of the day at the clinic, we hiked back out, and rode back to La Mesa! We had time that night to share a meal with the fantastic team {and their children}.

We also spent a few days in Samachique, seeing the clinic and sharing life with the local people. As i've been reflecting, so much of what has overwhelmed me is the beauty and dedication of the team I met. They were so warm, so enthusiastic about their work, and ever giving of their time, their personal space, their comfortability, and their entitlement. They gave, and gave, and gave, and yet there was so much JOY to be had around the table.

I'm praying for a heart that beats to give. To give up myself, and to give towards others. My time. My resources. My life.

A tall order, I know. But this is why I travel, because i'm inspired by the brilliancy of those that live for Christ. And in the midst of it all their radiance invites others into this adventure with them. Enjoy the pictures!

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